02 mei 2010

The Element

Sir Ken Robinson, meanwhile, has a passion for reminding us that “We are all born with tremendous natural capacities, and that we lose touch with many of them as we spend more time in the world … with the result that many people never connect with their true talents and therefore don't know what they're really capable of achieving.” And to that I say, if you have a child who says, “Mom and Dad, I want to sing. I want to dance. I want to paint. I want to teach. I want to write books. I want to be president. I want to change the world.” Let them at least try. Support them. In other words, by all means do everything that you can to help our children find their lane so that they can be happy with who and what they were made to be.

Source by Betty Baye

Sit Ken Robinson at Youtube: Do Schools Kills Creativity?

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