07 januari 2010

Raise children who care

"God, help us not to raise a new generation of children
With high intellectual quotients and low caring and compassion quotients
With sharp competitive edge but dull cooperative instincts
With highly developed computer skills but poorly developed consciences
With a gigantic commitment to the big "I" but little sense of responsibility to the bigger "We"
With mounds of disconnected and unsynthesized information without a moral context to determine its worth
With more and more knowledge and less imagination and appreciation for the magic of life that cannot be quantified or computerized
With more and more worldliness and less and less wonder and awe for the sacred and everyday miracles of life.
God, help us to raise children who care."

A prayer for 21st Century children. From "A Letter to Parents" in "The Sea is so Wide and my Boat is so Small" by Marian Wright Edelman (2008).

Link: Children's Defense Fund

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