13 september 2009

Una Giornata Particulare or Citysurfing

A typical display of citysurfing

Today Bella had her usual swimming lesson at Silvester Swimming School in Zoetermeer, at 9am. She is doing well. I like her backstroke and butterfly movement. It is beautiful and powerful at the sametime, but her start dive from the block needs improvement.

The evening before Bella slept over with Barry and Jan, and I visited Jantien's party after having drinks - well ... tomato juice :-) - with Annemiek. She is an extraordinary woman. Actually, both, Jantien and Annemiek, are. At their own right and merit.

De 'Arty'-gang naar 'Het Haags Kinderatelier'

Just after noon I dropped Bella off at 'Het Haags Kinderatelier' or 'De Knutselclub' as we may call it. It is a creative arty&farty center for children, where they can make stuff from wood and clay, and other materials you can think of - today the theme was 'ijsberen op schotsen van witte scherven' (?), and paint, or do other creative things. It is a great place to be, not only for children, and Marijke and Rashid are really super with the kids. A lot of love and care, and they give the children a lot of creative freedom.

Watching an old animation movie in 'Het Filmmuseum' - Vondelpark

After I picked her up before 2pm, we went to Amsterdam. To 'Het Filmuseum' in 'Het Vondelpark', cause they have on Sundays art movies for children. But we were too late. We bought a 'Alice speurtocht in het Vondelpark' and had some drinks in the restaurant while reading out loud the 'speurtocht' cartoons.

Today was 'Open MonumentenDag'.

Hall way 'Hollandsche Manege'

Horses Playing In The Pen - 'Hollandsche Manege'

Watching, No Touching - 'Hollandsche Manege'

We visited the 'Hollandsche Manege', not far from the filmmuseum. Bella was really hypnotized by the beautiful horses, so elegant and strong. The light brown one with a white spot on the forehead, without the white socks and without the black stockings. See our video at YouTube.

In the late afternoon we stumbled upon live music at 'Dish - Global Kitchen', Overtoom 259.

Bella was a bit intimidated by the loud music, however, found the drums, bass guitar and keyboards fantastic. She felt the music in her belly and heart, she said. What she meant was the vibrations of the rather loud live music. I told her that's the way these musicians communicated with her and other people listening, through the sound of their music instruments. She bought it.

Not only the music got her attention. I ordered a few small dishes, from different regions in the world. The dish with the shrimps she ate completely clean. I had a variety of baked mushrooms and grilled vegetables. It was lovely.

'It vibrated into my heart'

Dish - Global Kitchen

African Shrimps Dish

Eat and Enjoy Foreign Dishes

On the drive back home we had a chat with Elliz. We missed her, and she missed us.

'Ik mis je, mimmy', zoals ze Elliz liefkozend noemt. Ik hoorde Elliz een snik wegslikken :-)

Just four nights sleeping and she is back.

Hopefully with the summit of the Mont Blanc in her backpack.

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