05 februari 2009

We Are All The Same In Our Human Needs

"Why do we do what we do and How can we do it better" - An inspiring speech by Anthony Robbins at TED

What is your motive for action?

I take many decisions and take actions every day. What is my motive for action? What is yours?

It comes down to simple, everyday emotions. I believe emotion is the force of life.

Understand your emotions, as emotion is the great force of live.

Explore where you are today.

What's make the difference in the quality if people's life.

Develop emotional fitness and psychological strenght.

Understand the human needs.

Study the Science of Achievement & Art of Fullfilment.

This is about appreciation, and about contribution.

Decision is the ultimate power.

Make decisions as decision is the ultimate power. Decision is shaping your destiny. Decision starts with *focus*. Focus creates intention. Focus generates emotion and energy.

Resourcefulness is the defining factor, not resources. The latter we always lack, it is never enough ...

If you can create the right emotion, you can achieve your dreams. It drives your actions.

Develop em0tional fitness and psychological strength.

State & Model
Emotion in the moment (state) and our filter of how we perceive the world (model).

Six Needs
1. Certainty
2. Uncertainty
3. Significance
4. Connection & Love
5. Grow
6. Contribute Beyond Yourself
7. Emotion

We have 6.000 representations of emotions in the English language ... We often only use 12 in our personal life.

Robbins message is that we shape our own destiny. We can change our state and model continously, as we see fit. At the same time we have to understand our driving needs ...

Focus, Decide and Act.

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