09 januari 2009

Perfect Power - Innovate and revolutionize the electronic power infrastructures and business models

Not only our digital infrastructure but also the electric networks are under scrutiny. Imagine being self-sufficient, or at least not completely dependant of the electric power moguls and manage your home power network smarter ...

"From Robert Galvin and Kurt Yeager comes a powerful wake-up call for the entire energy industry. A must-read for investors, entrepreneurs, homeowners and environmentalists, Perfect Power offers bold new solutions, investments and job opportunities that address the biggest energy problems we face today, including how to: Meet the rising demands for more electricity; Create "Perfect Power" that will withstand hurricanes, blackouts, terrorism and technical malfunctions; Implement clean, "green" alternatives by tapping the smart microgrid revolution; Live "off the grid" and become energy self-sufficient; and Identify and invest in exciting new companies and technologies."

Source: GalvinPower

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