25 april 2011

IJsland Trip - Voorbereiding

Foto uit video van Eva Sturm.

Nog twee dagen voordat we met Iceland Air afreizen naar IJsland.

Onze autorondreis is zorgvuldig samengesteld door Tilly van Tienderen, in samenwerking met de IJslandspecialist en Nordic Travel op IJsland, gesponsored door het Museum van Volkenkunde.

Het wordt een spannende, korte, maar intensieve kennismaking met Zuidwest en Zuid IJsland. We komen langs de Blue Lagoon, Snaefellsnes, Borgarfjorour, bingvellir, talloze mooie watervallen (o.a. Gullfoss, Sejalandsfoss, Skogafoss en Svartifoss), enkele bekende hetebrongebieden (o.a. Krysuvik en Geysir) en indrukwekkende landschappen met gletsjers, het gletsjermeer Jokulsarlon, spoelzandvlaktes en lavavelden. IJsland is immers vulkanisch en geologisch actief.

Het is ons aanbevolen om de video "How To Drive In Iceland" te bekijken. Nou, het is zeker de moeite waard, alleen al om te anticiperen op de verschillende wegcondities - vooral het rijden op 'gravelwegen' is voorzichtigheid geboden - en veiligheidsvoorschriften in IJsland - 90km/u is de snelheidslimiet op normale wegen en veiligheidsgordels zowel voor als achter is verplicht.

23 april 2011

Iceland's Uniqueness and Typicalities II

Iceland from Eva Sturm on Vimeo.

Found this really extraordinary beautiful video at tumblr's blog 'Iceland in Pictures' and is produced by Eva Sturm.

Iceland's Uniqueness and Typicalities

In December 2010 Bella and I visited the museum of etnology in Leiden: Museum van Volkenkunde. There we met John walking up the lane entrance while having a closer look at the typical Maori boat, the waka. He told us a little bit about this, unaware why the director of this museum would do this anyway. After a few minutes he asked us if he could walk up with us going to the entrance hall of the museum, and while we were talking and stepping into the entrance hall, we were received by an audience of photographers, and other people, specially for us. Well, not us, but the 100,000 visitor of the year. Bella was the one. That was a big surprise, and fun. Bella had the best time of her life, in a musuem, she told me afterwards. She was beaming.

This was oke on itself, however, you can imagine we received not only the honours, but also were awarded a price: an expedition to Iceland.

Here you go, next week were are going; Wednesday, April 27th.

22 april 2011

Kraak & Smaak's Call Up To Heaven featuring Lex Empress

Lekker nummer, met de unieke stem van Lex Empress. WauW!

Marike Jager QuickCovers The Beatles' Come Together

Marike is wonderful. Her soul vibrates through this quickcover of Come Together. I love it.

09 april 2011

Alain Clark covert EMINEM

Vetter rap! Of is het 'ringen'? Lekkere, vette cover anyway!

Dewi covered Rolling In The Deep & Just The Way You Are

Mooie uitvoering. Lekkere soul en stem. Goed hoor!

Junkie XL's Between These Walls featuring Anouk

Super mix by Junkie Xl with fabuleus performance by Anouk. It is too much ... Love it!

01 april 2011

Rolling In The Deep by Shane Alexander

Hoorde Shane gisterochtend bij Giel Beelen en de aankondiging dat hij zou optreden in Grand-Cafe Cinetone in Amsterdam. Ben met Sylvia geweest, nadat we een hapje gegeten hebben in Dauphine.

Goole gozer, met een lekkere eigen sound. Goede live performance. Zal zeker weer gaan wanneer hij in Amsterdam is.