28 oktober 2009

Excellence Is Coming From Making Mistakes

If you never failed You never lived

Deze YouTube video is me toegstuurd door een bijzondere vrouw die ik heb ontmoet tijdens mijn NLP Practitioner training. Eerder had ik haar Validation aanbevolen, en een analogie voorgehouden van Alice in Wonderland.

Alice blijft me nog steeds fascineren. Haar ongebreidelde fantasie, haar ontwapenende openheid en nooit aflatende nieuwsgierigheid zijn bewonderenswaardige kwaliteiten.

Lucille Ball was considered to be too shy ...

The Beatles were turned down cause guitar music was on the way out ...

Michael Jordan was cut from the high school basketball team ... went home and cried

Thomas Edison was said to be too stupid to learn anything ...

Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper cause he lacked imagination and original ideas ...

Abraham Lincoln failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated in 8 elections ...

If you have never failed, you have never lived ... LIFE = RISK

Good to start any day !

03 oktober 2009


Basilica Del Pilar Sep 29th 2009, a Tuesday morning, taken from the square facing west

Last week, on Tuesday, I met the Chief Technology Officier of the city of Zaragoza, Spain.

A remarkable man. Political well connected, with great influence, having a clear vision for his community, taking innovation and technology as fundamental drivers for change. Very bold. Absolutely inspiring. And pretty exciting.

Also met the program leader for a community-wide broadband network, The Digital Mile. A bright young guy.

After the meeting we had lunch with typical food (lamb with patatos 'al forno') and wine from the region. Really outstanding, in particular the wine, with the Granache grape. Full of flower and fruit flavours. Exquisite. Paul Canales and Augstin Villa, my dear Cisco colleagues, were perfect hosts.

Basilica Del Pilar Sep 29th 2009, a Tuesday morning, taken from the square facing east

Basilica Del Pilar Sep 29th 2009, a Tuesday morning, taken from the square facing north

Links: City of Zaragoza, Wikipedia

Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar and the Ebro River Source: Wikipedia