A Two Days Workshop on Presentation and Communication Skills, Stockholm
For the first time in a very long time I didn't want to get on stage and deliver my presentation. My thoughts were scattered and I couldn't focus. I had lost my natural confidence. I wasn't able to change my mindset and attitude. Never good to get on stage with these negative thoughts and prepositions. And therfor I crashed ...
It was anyhow a challenging day. It was good to have this experience. I could relate to this as lately I have had the same feelings and saw the same reactions when I was up there and felt disconnected or not heard or was just not interesting. I think that I know now how to change this. Or at least try ...
I've met and engaged with some new people. Shaun Nix, a moderator of Presentation Academy, and Joan McCallum, a collegue from IBSG. Both interesting and colourful people.
Also it was nice to meet some 'old' faces, like Yvonne, Stuart, Jurgen, Pilar, Bruno, Dominique, Johan and Trine. Haven't talked with Dominique and Pilar though. Should do it today.
Yesterday evening I haven't joined the team for dinner. I needed some time on my own. I went for a little stroll in town, ate some suhsi and returned rather early at the hotel where I watched YouTube videos, mostly from Philip Defranco (sxphil). Before I went to sleep I listened to an audiobook by The Dalai Lama, "How to Practice: The Way of a Meaningful Life". It helped me to calm my mind and bring me back to the very basics of life. I had a good night sleep and woke up at 6am.
Some insight from today's training (Peter Meyers of the Stand & Deliver Group)
"Bring A Gift - Be Generous" - "Bring peace and kindness" (The Dalai Lama)
Primary take aways:
Focus on outcome
Make it interesting for the audience
What is the hotspot of your message?
Build your story around the hotspot
Structure the story with an opening, a middle and an end
Open with an anekdote - raise interest and capture the audience attention
Bring the message with describing the challenge, solution and benefits
Close with an Q&A and alwyas with a desert - the true gift or insight, wrapped in a story
And remember the triangle: state, content and delivery (Stand & Deliver)
Joan McCallum
Comes from Massasooga, a suburb of Toronto
Started as urban planner - was inspired by the girlfriend of her brother
Worked as chief strategist for the City of Toronto
Is driving transformational government in India with the minister of ICT - transforming public services
"Unleashing the potential of social innovation"
Shaun Nix
Comes from California
Is married to a Welshman and lives in the South West of Wales - 'the land of 6 million people and 13 million sheep'
Has worked for the radio with provocative commentary
Has written a novel
Visited for a month a high school - college ?